
OXIMO Sp. z o.o.
ul. Topolowa 1A
84-207 Lezyce
TAX number: PL5882481575
REGON: 522183781
D&B DUNS number: 425 921 969

Hotline - customer service:
tel. + 48 518 469 199
tel. +48 690 068 555
tel. +48 58 600 6126

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 8:00 – 16:00

Sales - Cooperation:
Sławomir Detmer
tel. +48 730 068 039

Marcin Jasiński
tel. +48 735 251 511

Administration and production:
Marcin Buźniak
tel. +48 506 603 086

Łukasz TyIec tel. +48 533 585 581

Maciej Nowopolski
Paweł Ruczyński

OXIMO Ltd. with its registered office: 84-207 Łężyce, ul. Topolowa 1A, POLAND, entered in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court Gdańsk - North in Gdańsk, 8th Commercial Division of the National Court Register. KRS: 0000972222; TAX number: PL5882481575; REGON: 522183781. Share capital amounting to PLN 103 700.

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